Tuesday, April 5, 2011

7 days left to register for this event!

"The Beauty Within" is the fundraising event that I have been working on for several months now!
I wanted to do an event to raise money for Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation. Like most, I have known many people in my life, that have battled with this disease. I have lost loved ones, and fortunately have known some who have won their battle!

The focus on this event, is to bring attention to the fact, that beauty is something inside rather than on the surface! I have heard once that real beauty, is the light in our hearts! I think that it one of the best ways, to describe what beauty really is!

I have asked that woman of all ages, come out to participate wearing NO MAKEUP! In today's society, that may seem a bit scary for some. I know that this is asking allot, especially when they are also posing in front of a camera. I want to capture the light in their eyes, the freckles, the laugh lines, the traces of life!
And it is all good!

I am asking that the participants  to wear either a black or white top. I will mostly be focusing on their faces, and I want to allow my creativity to guide me on how the portrait will be taken. I will use many angles, different shadows, or allow the sun to cast right upon them! The photographs will be art!

 We are all unique and beautiful in our own way...it is time to celebrate that!

I hope to see you at the event! I can't wait!

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