Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Winter time in Manitoba....
It is easy to frown upon this time of year, due to the extremely cold temperature's. It has been really cold, for a really long time. We are all thinking about summer and flip flops right about now. I have been organizing my office, and for all of you that know me that means my little desk in the corner of my room! Yeah it is not much of an office, however I have somehow made it work.
I have heard that some of the best Authors in the world, write in the most unusual places, and some of the greatest artists work in pretty dim basements, so I really can't complain.
 My office window overlooks my acreage, and an amazing 100 year old willow tree.
 Who could ask for more?

I usually write about my sessions and all the unique and wonderful people I get to meet, but I thought I would share some of my favorite personal work from the past year. Just a few pictures of my animals, a peek into my yard, and a glimpse of the land, that surrounds the area where I live ( Beausejour Manitoba).

I am really excited about this year, I just celebrated my 1 year Anniversary of my website!
 I have learned more about myself this year, than all of my years combined.

For all the Moms out there, who are thinking about starting their own business, I say go for it!
If you feel passionate about something, and want to put the time and energy into it, then it is worth a shot!

I never imagined I would be doing this. My story is very different than most.

I hope you enjoy the pictures, and don't let the cold get you down.
Winter can be magnificent! It presents us with beauty everyday, you just have to take the time to really see it.
I will leave you with a thought...I was selling my landscape prints at Pine Ridge Hollow Farmers Market last summer, when a woman came up to me and said "oh those pictures are beautiful! Where are they taken?", And I replied "about 2 miles from here" she said in disbelief, "I never even notice the beautiful land around me, I am so busy just driving down the road, never even taking a moment to see the true beauty of this land!".
It doesn't surprise me to hear that.
 I love everything about photography. I take the time to notice the beauty around me.


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