Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The 411 on Pinup Photography...

The 411 on a true "Pinup" session!

I have studied the style for quite a while now, and I guess you could say that this era really appeals to me. I love the fashion, the hair, and the makeup from this style!

Pinup is not for everyone, as attitude makes up about 90% of the shot. A good photographer can make you feel comfortable in front of the lens, but for this particular style, it is really up to you! You have to be confident inside and out, to pull this style off!

Pinup photography really became popular in the 40's, and inspired many woman to show off their attitude, and be a bit on the playful side. I believe all woman have a certain spark, that makes them pretty. Maybe you have great lips, or your eyes twinkle,  you have killer legs, or your smile goes for miles...whatever the case may be, Beauty is in all of us!
I can almost gurantee you will walk away from this session feeling wonderful about yourself!

Pinup photography is in no way trashy.
 It is actually quite glamorous!
I love when ordinary woman break out of their shell for two hours or so, and are left with stunning photographs of themselves!

"Is that really me?" "Do I really look that great?"
"Yes you do!"

We are all wrapped up with busy lives, whether your a busy Mom, or a career woman. This will give you what a Spa day can do, and then some!
I have an awesome makeup artist on board for all of my Pinup sessions. If you require a hair stylist, we can do that too!
All you need for you Pinup session is a few cute outfits that you are comfortable in, and a positive attitude!
The session will be fun, as I always bring a sense of humour to my photography!

I am excited to offer a unique and rare location for summer Pinup sessions. I am currently working on a vintage outdoor bedroom, at my home and I am busy collecting props to create a perfect romantic set.

If you are still unsure of trying this out, please feel free to call me and we can discuss further.

It's ok to feel pretty, it's ok to be a little flirty, we are woman, that just comes with the territory.
The 1# reason why you should do a pinup session...
To celebrate you!
I have only limited dates for these sessions, please book early to reserve your date.
{Now booking for June & July 2011 sessions}

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