Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"The Beauty Within"

The event was a wonderful experience for me and hopefully for all that took part!
I came up with this idea and immediately contacted Cancer Care and then made it an official event! I have so many people to thank, I don't even know where to begin. I would like to thank Saint Boniface Cathedral, for giving us permission to use their beautiful Cathedral! I would also like to thank my Niece's Hayley, Hannah, and Holly for all of their help. Thank you to Nicole & Skyla for also giving me a hand registering the participants and helping make this event so much fun!

The day was a cool rainy one, but that didn't stop us one bit! I knew I wanted the pictures to be all taken outdoors, and I managed to find a spot with a bit of an overhang, so that we could stay dry. I then encouraged everyone to make a run for the center of the Cathedral, for  some extra amazing pictures!
The chair that we used was decorated by Tricia from Best Wedding Decor, and I loved the pink ribbon!

For each session, I wanted to focus on each person and their style, and try to bring that out in the photographs. I feel I captured the essence of each participant through the images, and  I am so happy with the end results! I realize in this day and age, a woman wearing no makeup for pictures is a really big deal! Some of us wont even venture into the grocery store without a bit of makeup and lip gloss, let alone pose for portraits. The thing I loved most is that everyone was so proud to model for the pictures, they put aside their own fears of "the no makeup thing" and thought about someone else.

We all did this together! We did a really great thing! We should be so proud of ourselves!
This event would not have been possible without your help!

While we were busy doing the sessions, we caught word that CTV was looking for us to do a live broadcast from our event, unfortunately with the rain and not getting to my phone in time, this did not happen. The fact that we sort of caused a buzz, is a really good thing!

As a photographer, I get to look deep into peoples eyes, and bring to light that special quality that makes them who they are. I looked into many eyes that day, and I saw pure goodness and beauty!

I am going to make this an annual event, maybe just change locations a bit, add some new elements, but keep the no makeup as the focus for sure! I want to make it even bigger next year, and I will start advertising this in the fall of 2011. I am sure it will be a sold out event!
I wanted to raise awareness and donations to present to Cancer Care Manitoba, and together we raised $735.00! If I filled those last 5 sessions that I wanted to, we would have reached our goal for $1000.00 ! Next year we will raise even more!

Pose for a portrait with no makeup on? Why yes, just look at the beautiful woman who did just that!

Until next year.....

Yours truly,

Special thanks to:
Tricia- Best Wedding Decor
Rimpal- Makeup Expressions
Erin- Stella & Dot
Leesa- Leesa's Cupcakes
I29 designs
Willow Lane Florist
Rocky Mountain Soap Co.
Huge Thanks to CARMEX CANADA!
Saint Boniface Cathedral

I would love to hear your comments on this event!

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